Balance: The Surprising Secret to Long Life

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Balance may not be the first that comes to mind where longevity habits are involved, but perhaps it should be. Allow balance to be your silent guardian, doing its job behind the scenes to avoid life’s minor stumbles and falls, to keep you limber and injury-free year in and year out.

Imagine you’re making your way through your dark kitchen at midnight, nimbly avoiding hazards like toys, rugs, or even that pesky open dishwasher door your partner left down. And when you do stumble but manage a graceful recovery, you’re witnessing your body’s covert balancing act in action.

Mayo Clinic biomedical engineer Kenton Kaufman semi-jokingly refers to humans as “essentially a ball balanced precariously on a stick.” Since your torso is heavier than your legs, standing upright is an impressive coordination achievement.

Balance is not something you do but a constant, active negotiation among your brain, eyes, ears, and feet, all of which are continually sending helpful updates to keep you upright. For trainer and balance devotee Julie Pollard, “It’s like a never-ending conference call where your brain, eyes, ears, and feet are constantly sending updates.”.

Quick Balance Check-Up (No Face-Planting!)

Like to test the status of your balance right now? Stand on one leg. Rock steady? Well done! Wobbling or toppling over within 10 seconds? Take that as a gentle warning that your balance needs some TLC.

Steps to Steadier Balance

Improved balance is simple and direct:

One-leg stand: Stand on one leg, raising your other foot higher or further back as you get better.

Dynamic Movements: Add in side steps, backward walks, and even playful figure-8 routes around your furniture.

Up for more adventure? Challenge yourself:

Vary your surfaces: Progressively practice on varying difficulties, starting with hardwood and moving on to carpet, grass, or asphalt.

Include mental activities: Walking in balance while saying words in reverse or catching a ball to enhance brain coordination.

Mind Meets Body for Full Benefits

Balance training is not bruise prevention only – it also makes you smarter. Attention, memory, and spatial awareness all increase with cognitive exercises and balance training. You’re sharpening your mind while preventing falls.

Attempt “mind-loading”—perform mental exercises, like counting backward or reciting the alphabet while balancing, turning your workouts into dual mental and physical challenges.

Don’t Forget Your Eyes and Ears Vision and hearing are also important contributors to your balance strategy. Audiologist Devin McCaslin has an interest in how hearing contributes to overall balance, particularly in the middle of noisy modern environments. Applied physiologist Stephen Lord also cites maintaining flexibility and being on top of pain as key to fast recoveries from slipping and stumbling. Balance Your Way to a Longer, Happier Life Putting balance first isn’t about not falling—it’s about living more intensely, more surely. Practicing balance regularly prepares you for life’s unexpected moments, adding years and years to your life. As we age, balance is our tightrope—so start training now to keep your footing. Want to see how improved balance could add years to your life? Take a test drive of our Longevity Calculator and start on the path to improved balance, and longer longevity!

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